Rocky Ridge Music Center

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Junior Student
Intro Young Artist

Young Artist


Our outstanding faculty is anxious to help students discover their full musical potential. These caring professionals form the cornerstone of our program, and carefully guide each student through a variety of musical experiences designed to enrich young, creative and curious minds.

Students will participate in a broad spectrum of musical education through private instruction, music theory and eurhythmics, orchestra, chamber music, wind ensemble, and choir as appropriate to their age and level. In addition, students may frequently perform on the evening performance classes if so desired. Exposure to a variety of musical experiences will then help the student understand and develop those areas of interest during the coming years. A rudimentary understanding of their major instrument is necessary to take full advantage of the Center's offerings. Plan to bring polished repertoire as well as new music for further study.

Between an outstanding, caring counseling staff and being located in pristine natural surroundings, we feel your child will have ample opportunity for personal growth and creative expression. Group activities offered include hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park (supervised, of course!), swimming, horseback riding, craft projects, and visits to the nearby resort town of Estes Park. These activities foster friendships and a remarkable sense of community spirit for which Rocky Ridge has become known.


Junior Student Seminar - ages 10-14,
(Note: Some 15-year olds may be eligible for JSS)
Session #1: July 26 - Aug 7, 2005
Session #2: August 9 - 20, 2005

Modeled after our Young Artist Seminar (YAS), this program introduces students to a broad spectrum of musical education while carefully maintaining a balance of study, performance and supervised recreational activities.

Intro Young Artist Seminar - ages 15-16, June 19 to July 10, 2005

for younger students to sample YAS and then come back the next year for the full 5 weeks.

Young Artist Seminar - ages 15-22, June 19 to July 24, 2005

You’ll get individual coaching including master classes. There will be group practice and chamber ensemble sessions.

Chamberre, August 18 to August 23 2004

Chamberre in the Rockies is a group of string players, pianists and wind players with a love for classical music. Chamberre members gather once a year at RRMC in late summer after the young adult seminars are completed.

No need to worry about transportation Estes Park provides transportation to and from the Denver.  View Locations and Directions for more information.

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