Rocky Ridge Music Center

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What to Donate


What to Donate


Need an idea on a way to help?

Donate Towards a Scholarship
Rocky Ridge provides approximately $25,000 in scholarships and work study opportunities each year. Contribute an unrestricted gift of any amount to help fund scholarships.

1) Endow a named scholarship - $12,000

2) Provide a scholarship for one talented student for the
Young Artist Session - $3000

2) Provide a named yearly scholarship award - $750

Donate a vehicle:
Through an arrangement with Vehicles for Charity you can donate any car, motorcycle, truck or boat, whether it runs or not. Use the link below or go to their site: and under Colorado use the Rocky Ridge button.

We can always use…….
The below items may be new or used. Contact Katharine Smith-Warren for information. We can pick up in the area around Estes Park.

Copy machine for Estes Park office
CD player
Wooden bunk beds and mattresses
Bureaus for student and faculty cabins
Double beds
Table tennis table and accessories
2 line telephones
Small office desks
Spotlights for cabins
Foosball game
Wood chairs, settees and tables, preferably historically accurate for our deck, but strong enough for use by our students. Adirondack chairs, rockers and log furniture are most welcome.
Lamps and reading lights for cabins
Outdoor path lights
Historic furniture for the lodge
Fireplace screens, tools and wood baskets
Intercom system
Musician chairs for orchestra
Serving plates and utensils
Area rugs particularly Native American designs

Contact Us

Rocky Ridge Music Center
465 Longs Peak Rd.
Estes Park, CO 80517
Pnone: 970-586-4031

Checks should be made out to Rocky Ridge Music Center. If you use a debit or credit card include the number, expiration date and your name and billing address.



Beth Miller Harrod Piano Restoration Fund: We have raised over $10,000 to restore the Steinway piano of our founder, Beth Miller Harrod. Help us raise the final $10,000 to completely restore this superb instrument to its original grandeur for our students.




Donate Towards Property Improvements:
Redo our aging septic system to convert to a wastewater treatment plant that will be environmentally friendly - $100,000
Renovate a historic cabin -  $10,000 to $25,000
Refurbish an existing cabin by adding a bathroom - $4,000
Renovate and upgrade our teaching classroom in the Chalet - $10,000
Provide new chairs for our concert hall - $15,000
Bury water lines to extend our season - $5.000
Enlarge our water treatment plant Music Programs - $2,500
Endowed faculty chair in your choice of instrument -$50,000
Resident String Quartet for one season - $15,000 to $20,000
Sponsor the Music in the Mountains Concert Series -$5000
Artist in Residence for 2 days -$2000 and up
Provide a used Piano for students -$4,000
Subsidize transportation of student performers per session -$1,000
Donate frequent flyer miles to bring a student to camp - NA


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